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The Hour

Mother's Day
Thursday, May 9, 2002

Be kind to yourself with Reiki Healing

By Maia Lynd Reiki Master

Maia Lynd from The Hour photo

How are we treating the world, if we are not treating ourselves nice?

What if we were brought up with the knowing that the most important thing we can do in life, is to love ourselves?

Before I get up in the morning I say out loud, "Behold world, the magnificent Maia has awakened". How can I say that, and not smile, and how bad can a day get when I have this place to go back to. I also tell myself, "I will meet this new day with exuberance and find, in every moment, the heart of life". If I find even a trace of cynicism as I think these thoughts, I know my life is getting askew.

We were born to love life and to love ourselves and be accepting of others. However, as we grew up, judgment came into the picture and suddenly we were not worthy. Not worthy of prioritizing ourselves or of being loved...

I tell people who come to my Reiki practice, that Reiki will work, provided that you believe it's possible for you to feel better. Many people do not think this is possible. They thought they thought so, but in their heart, they did not. Our beliefs play tricks on us. We need to tell ourselves that it is always possible to feel better.

Make feeling good a goal for yourself. See where it brings you. Actually make it a top-priority, because in truth, there is nothing more precious you can bring to the world. Think about the people around you, what if they all took good care of themselves?

Reiki is an excellent resource for overall well being. It heals on an emotional, physical and spiritual level. It relaxes you as it invigorates you. We are sustained by a life-force that is flowing through us at all times. Reiki helps this force flow clearer, with wellness in it's wake.

The practitioner allows the force to flow through them and because they have been initiated, this ability has been enhanced. The practitioner is capable of using intention to guide the increased flow over to the participant. If the participant is open to the possibility of feeling better, the force will flow through with increased frequency and clear out snags on the way. Snags caused by stress, fears, and worry, causing ill being.

Reiki works through clothing and even casts, it also works through time and space. I've done long distance Reiki with excellent results.

Whatever you choose to do, in order to treat yourself with the care and respect that life intended it is always true that to open yourself to the life-force is to be in the moment, and to be in the moment is to be where your life is.

Reprinted from The Hour.

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