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Maia's Services


Regression Therapy


Remote Healing


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"Words are immeasurable to describe how Maia has transformed my life. As a Massage Therapist, my health and wellness is vital to the service I provide for others. With a history of trauma and pain, I was severely depressed and anxious. Over the course of my lifetime, I have tried multiple traditional modalities and medication with minimal success. Through consecutive sessions with Maia using hypnosis, soul retrieval, reiki...always customized to my needs...I, in time, emerged out of the depths of my pain. Our cells hold memories hence her work allows the body to release the toxins and restore itself to a healthy state. She is remarkable and outstanding in her work!

"Also, these words came to me yesterday after my session with you: infinite possibilities, picking up the pieces, and What? Are you crazy??

"Another also, my body felt incredible last!!! You are amazing, Maia!"

Hugs, Annie

"Hello Maia - I just want to thank you again for another wonderful session. I'm floating on air this evening and its delightful. After our session, I picked up some dinner for mom and spent an enjoyable evening with her. It's amazing that she will be celebrating Christmas with us. We thought we were losing her in Sept and it's been a long road back to enjoying a visit with her instead of wondering if we'd see her alive in the morning. Every day counts.

"It's 11pm and I'm humming with good energy. Just did a self scan and noticed the heat is still radiating from me; especially from the heart chakra to the crown.

"You are a shining gem for me. Meeting you has opened up so many exciting choices and although I don't understand it all, I'm happy to be able to trust you to guide me as I travel this path.

"Wishing you and your family a happy holiday -"


"I am amazed when I read your email...what you are describing is the kind of parent I have always tried to be...but somewhere I lost my ability to generate new creative ways of addressing situations. I do not want that to happen again. This way is SO much more fun...and that is what I want my life to"

"Your insight is breathtaking to me. With deepest agape,"


"Your gift is just wonderful--to allow others access to very universally applicable wisdom is tremendous."


"I am deeply grateful for your talent, your ability to communicate directly. Thank you for presenting me with the words of my guides. I treasure every word."


"All I can say is Wow! What wonderful information came through. I can't wait for my daughter to read this. She will be blown away. You have given her a huge gift. I don't know how to thank you enough."

"You truly are a lovely soul."


"I've been using the services of Maia Lynd since 2001, and my experiences with her have been highly rewarding in the area of Life Readings, Past-Life Regression Therapy, and Soul-Retrieval. Her levels of professionalism and accuracy are extremely high."

Carl Stone

"I would strongly recommend Maia's intuitive drawings. Both my husband and I had ours done, and we cherish them. When Maia was done with my husband's drawing, he pulled out a card that he keeps in his wallet of St. Joan of Arc, whose protection he feels...and Maia's drawing looked very much like her!!! I have also purchased some of Maia's drawings for my middle school classroom, and my students are very drawn to them. They help to foster a calming and healing environment in my classroom."

Gina Reichert

"Maia Lynd is person and spiritual teacher with very strong and positive energy, healing power and deep humanity for all living things.She knows how to read her students souls, to listen them and to heal. Maia gives guidance for future spiritual development, extends student's understanding about world, nature of energy. I received ability to start to see my inner light and to find again the strength to walk my life path in harmony with the laws of Universe.

"I am learning to feel the healing energy of Life Force running through my palms. Maia gave me Reiki I attunement. I also value her ability to teach shamanism.

"Thank you Maia!"

Dace Micane Zalite, theater director, Guilford, CT, Septmeber 12. 2009.

Text, drawings, and images Copyright © 2002-2017, All rights reserved. Last Updated: 2/10/2017