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Maia's Services


Regression Therapy


Remote Healing


Disclaimer and Confidentiality

Remote Healing

(Distant Healing)

Does something feel amiss?

I might be able to help. Contact me for a remote healing session.


10 minutes min. for pets.
20 minutes min. for people.
40 minutes min. for space clearing.

(Follow up conversation per phone or email is included in the price.)

Remote Healings do the same work as In-Person Sessions. Their aim is to bring alignment and wellbeing to the recipient.

Feedback from the owner of one of my clients:

I wanted to tell you that our cats, Kako and Teka, seem SO relaxed today and their eyes look different. More bright and shiny. They seem so laid back it's THAT noticeable. THANK you for working on them. I truly appreciate it. My husband noticed a huge difference in them when he came in from work while I was still sleeping. They came out to greet him and he said he forgot they were getting worked on until he was staring at them because something seemed very different about them. ;)


Text, drawings, and images Copyright © 2002-2017, All rights reserved. Last Updated: 2/10/2017