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Regression Therapy


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Past-Life Regression Therapy

For me, the main reason to go into a past life, is to find closure, to release blockages and to heal. You only need to look around to realize that there are not always closure at the end of a life. Unresolved issues and scars are things we carry with us, causing us discomfort in ways that often befuddles us. To go into a past life gives us a rare opportunity to heal these scars.

All our memories are accessed through our subconscious mind, and you are at all times in control of the process. If you are not ready to work on difficult issues but would like to try out the process, it is quite possible to request that the subconscious mind bring you to a contented lifetime.

Going into a past life and healing scars that were created in your soul-pattern, may give you an entire new take on of life.

morning copy
Image created by Maia Lynd

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