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Maia's Services


Regression Therapy


Remote Healing


Disclaimer and Confidentiality


This method utilizes the life force energy to promote healing, and a sense of wellbeing. The reiki practitioner accesses the energy by becoming an open vortex. The recipient simply receives. The life force is always flowing through you, however blockages are often created from physical or emotional experiences, stress, worry and beliefs. These blockages hinder the natural flow of the life force and a state of ill-being results. The increased flow created through Reiki unblocks these blockages. It works on the mind, the body and the spirit. During the reiki session you will be laying down or sitting. My hands will be placed about an inch over your body, working primarily in the aura. (Clothing or even a cast does not affect the energy). You may experience some heat sensations, tingling and/or color visions. Afterwards people often report feeling balanced and sometimes elevated.

A chakra clearing and balancing is incorporated into each Reiki session. The chakras are the main energy centers in our bodies. They work like portals, bringing energy to our emotional body, our spiritual body and our physical body.

It is essential for our wellbeing that they are individually clear and well balanced in relation to each other.

Distant Reiki Sessions

In the realms of energy, there is no time and space. Hence it is quite possible to send healing into the future and into the past. It is also possible to give an energy session over vast distances.

If there is something in your past or future that needs healing or if you would like to request a session for a pet, or someone who cannot come in to see me, (including yourself), contact me and we will arrange something.

Reiki Classes

The purpose of the Reiki classes is to help you discover the healer within you, and for you to find the most purposeful way to express it. I will guide you and teach you, however, it is not for you to learn what I do, it is for you to remember who you are.

Reiki I
  • 8-hour long session (one or two days)
  • Reiki I attunement and Certificate
  • Course material giving understanding of Reiki
  • Practice time with instructions of how to work safely with energies
  • Homework
  • Reiki II
  • 8-to-10-hour long session (one or two days)
  • Reiki II attunement and Certificate
  • Learn Reiki Symbols
  • Learn Distant Reiki
  • How to set up a business
  • Ethics
  • Practice time
  • Homework
  • Reiki Master
  • 10-to-12-hour long session (two days)
  • Reiki Master attunement and Certificate
  • Reiki I and II review
  • Learn how to give attunements
  • Learn how to structure a Reiki class
  • Homework

  • Review Sessions
  • Three weeks to one month after each attunement
  • Review
  • Sharing
  • Practice

  • Text, drawings, and images Copyright © 2002-2017, All rights reserved. Last Updated: 2/10/2017