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Wise Words from Octuvious

These conversations are between me and the Lightbeing Octuvious. Octuvious is not a physical being, and the conversations were made possible through automatic writing. The questions I am called to ask, during these conversations, are questions to clarify the message and might not reflect my personal views

I am of light, and it is my highest desire to spread light. To spread light is to spread clarity and with clarity comes joy, for with clarity comes the understanding of who you are, and that which you are, is indeed joy.

There is no higher purpose in the existence of the universe than to be assisting in the expansion of it. And there is no expansion but that through the expansion of light.

- Octuvious



Conversation 1 - Agreement

Conversation 2 - Polarization

Conversation 3 - Fairness

Conversation 4 - Own Your Own Stuff

Conversation 5 - Judgement and Opinions

Text, drawings, and images Copyright © 2002-2017, All rights reserved. Last Updated: 2/10/2017