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Conversation 2 with Octuvious

Dear Angels,

I would like to speak to the lightworker Octuvious. Are the room and I set up right for our communication?

It is grand, dear Maia.

Thank you. I’m glad. Now how would you like to do this? Would you like to choose a topic, or would you like for me to ask you questions? Oh, and by the way, how do you like the picture I drew of you?

The picture is very nice, Maia. Though I have never lived a life in earthly form, I think it well depicts my sincerity and my love. I thank you for making it. As regards to how we shall do this, why don’t I pick a topic, and then you add questions?

I like that. So what is the topic for today?


Very well, what about polarization?

Do not polarize. Do not polarize with your children, your spouse, your co-workers, your boss, your neighbors, society, or yourself. By polarizing you are taking a position, Here, against something you don’t like, which is There. And as long as you are polarizing with it, you are, by the laws of nature, maintaining it. It is not possible for a There to exist, unless there is a Here, opposing the There.

The more you polarize with something, the more substance you bring to that which you are polarizing with. The more you polarize with something the more firmly you remain where you are.

There is never a solution brought forth by polarization. The universe is about unity. Things resolve through love, and love is a sense of unity.

Could you give some examples?

Let’s say you are polarizing with your children. They want to stay up late to watch a horror movie, you want them in bed by 9 pm. So you put your foot down, you demand, and by the force of their knowing of unpleasant consequences, they obey. You win. However, they have not gained insight, wisdom, or a sense of personal pride or empowerment. You have not given them the gifts that your heart desires to give them. You win, though you may not feel like a winner. And they lose, though not for long, as they will soon find other ways in which to try their powers.

If instead of polarizing, you were to find some other approach, what might you do?

I don’t know, giving them free access to the television, does not seem like a good idea. Or telling them they can go to bed whenever they choose. They need guidelines, right? Guilt-tripping them, or telling them their face will fall of if they don’t do what you ask, doesn’t feel good either. So what is there?

Reminding them that they are part of a family. That their decisions affect everyone in the family. Ask them to make a decision that would make everyone happy. Tell them why watching the horror movie would be upsetting to you. Give them suggestions of what you could do instead. Play a game, bake some cookies, watch another show.

Make it their decision. Not yours. Make them feel proud of their decision. Giving them a sense of pride in themselves. Children do not wish to oppose. They do wish to feel part of a unity.

To tell them how you would feel, couldn’t that be a way to guilt-trip them?

I do not understand the term “guilt-trip.”

Hm... to appeal to someone’s sense of compassion, and using that for your own benefit, in a manipulative way.

Give us a moment....
It is only possible to manipulate that which allows itself to be manipulated. To ask someone to do something because their choice effects you, this is only manipulative when there is lack of respect for the one who is being asked, and their situation is not taken into consideration. You may ask, and if there is not, in your mind, the thought that you deserve more than the other deserves, then there is no manipulation.

It is, we can see, a fine line. However, the line is not fine when looked at from the perspective of vibration. The vibration of Cooperation and Manipulation, is much different. You know when you are engaged with one, or the other, from the way you feel.

You said, “do not polarize with yourself”, what do you mean by that?

It may not be easy to acknowledge when you are polarizing with yourself. However, you earthlings do it all the time. You want something, or you want something to be in some way, which it is not, and then you go to war. You go to war against your own weight, against your health, against addictions. It is as if you believe you can win and accomplish that which you desire, by beating down the opposition.

You cannot lose weight, by being at war with obesity. You cannot “beat this thing”, whether it is illness, or addiction, for by being at war, you insure the existence of that which you wish to extinguish. You are giving it power and existence by opposing it.

So then, how do you make changes? It seems so natural to me to make changes by acknowledging what you want, and then... well I guess, go to war against that which opposes it.

This is because you see life as logical. You believe your perception of life as given to you by your mind. Your mind is not your life. Your mind interprets vibrations in a neutral way. It is your emotions which creates your experience, and it is your emotions which creates your life. Emotions do not interpret vibrations. Emotions are vibrations.

It is by changing the vibration of your emotions, that you will draw new experiences into your life, which your mind will interpret. Do you understand?

Give me a moment here. :) Yes, I do understand. So how do you change the vibration of your emotions?

First acknowledge if you are polarizing, then write it out on a piece of paper. The, “where I am” and the “what I am opposite to”. In our two examples it would look like:

Where I am: I need to get the kids to bed on time.
What I am opposite to: Them having a different agenda.

Where I am: Being overweight and hating it.
What I am opposite to: My perfect bodyweight.

Now take that which you are opposite to and bring it into the present. Bring their agenda into the present, and make peace with it. Bring your perfect bodyweight into the present moment, and make peace with it. Love their agenda, as it is. Love you weight, as it is. Find the thoughts that end the war. Put down the armor, and the weapons. Let it go.

It is not true that by giving up the war, you have given up. Instead, by giving up the war, you have given up the blockage that stood in your way of winning. Know that your desire is always heard. Know that your wishes have already been answered. To allow them into your life is a matter of being receptive. Armor does not go along with being in a state of receiving. Make peace with the world, with yourself, and with the people around you. Nothing is accomplished by polarization.

It makes a good story. It makes for a good sitcom. It does not make for a good life.

This concludes our message for this time. In our hearts you rest, as we send you love.

Thank you.

Text, drawings, and images Copyright © 2002-2017, All rights reserved. Last Updated: 2/10/2017