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Judgement and Opinions

Conversation 5 with Octuvious

Dear Angels,

I would like to speak to the Lightworker Octuvious. Are the room and I set up right for our communication.

No it is not.

How may we change it so that it will work?

You need to eat some lunch dear Maia.

How about now?

Now is fine.

Thank you. In the last message in my Newsletter you were talking about judgment, and how it does not work for us. What about having opinions and wanting things to be different, is that not also judging? What is the difference?

The difference is in your vibration. When you judge, whether you are judging yourself or another, you are always judging yourself. You are seeing yourself as something which you are not. In this there is discord. Judging does not feel good. In your gut, you know that it goes against your Being.

Having an opinion is simply to question and turn things over in your mind. The mind has opinions, the gut and the heart does not. The got and the heart knows. The mind speculates, and so as the mind speculates it takes on opinions. There is no reason for discord here, unless the opinion includes judgment.

As far as having desires, wanting things to be different; It is well to then focus on what it is that you prefer, as this is closer to your Being, than looking at that which you do not prefer. When you look at that which you prefer you feel good. There is never judgment in this. Looking at that which you do not prefer, you may, or you may not look at it with judgment.

Are you getting a sense of what we’re saying?

I believe I am. It is okay to have opinions and to want things to be different. When I think about it, there is something very stagnant about judgment.

This is a very good observation, because part of judgment is the absence of light. The absence of possibilities, the absence of potential, of hope. Judgment does not believe in change, it does not look at the good in someone or something. When you cast out a judgment, it is like a rock, very solid, unforgiving. When you hear yourself judging, first of all, do not judge yourself for judging, simply acknowledge that you have done so, then bring light to it. Just imagine light entering your thought, or situation and see what happens. Watch it soften, see how possibilities and potentials are brought in. Feel your sense of self and your understanding of the world widen.

You can do this. The first step is awareness.

This completes this conversation. In our hearts you rest, as we send you love.

Thank you.

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