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Conversation 3 with Octuvious

Dear Angels,

I would like to speak to the lightworker Octuvious. Are the room and I set up right for our communication?

Just a moment.... do you feel the change?


We are ready.

Why do you call yourself “we”?

Why would I call myself “I”? I am not an “I”, I am much more relating to the figuration of “we”. It is difficult to explain. An “I” would be focused in a singular dimension, such as yourself. Our focus is not singular. You are not singular either. You have your focus in many lifetimes, in many dimensions, however you are only, at this moment, aware of this one focus. We are aware of our many focuses.

Thank you. What is your topic for today?

I would like to speak of Fairness.

Much discomfort is brought you by the expectation of fairness. Know that fairness was never promised you. Free will was promised you, and the opportunity to express your creation in a physical reality, this was promised you. Fairness, no.

You may close your fists at heaven and demand justice. You may accuse another of being unfair, as if this is a sin. You may live many years in agony, over some injustice which was caused you.

Know that life is not fair. It was never meant to be fair. There is no reason for it to be fair. Let it go. Do not expect things to be fair. Do not demand justice. You’ll only hurt yourself.

This feeling of asking for fairness, of knowing it to be the way it should be, comes from a place deep inside you. It is natural to ask for justice, and fairness, however it is only part of the picture.

Any event which happens in your life, creates an emotion. Drastic events, are those which create an emotion so in disharmony with your desired state, as to cause a scar in your energy field.

Whether you were victimized, or the perpetrator, the scar is created. By the laws of Karma, (which abide on this planet for the creation of drama, and momentum of events), any scar seeks to heal itself. Or, as all is energy, all energy patterns, which have been brought out of alignment, seeks to re-align themselves.

The re-alignment of energies often takes lifetimes to accomplish, hence, in the grand picture, one would say that things are fair. However, it is not about things being fair because... it is your right. It is simply fair, because energy, looks to neutralize itself. And it is looking to neutralize itself, not because there is a God on the sky judging, but because it is looking for least resistance in its existence.

By demanding justice, and finding oneself having been treated unjustly, there are only two options: One – to see oneself as a Victim. Two – to polarize with that which one does not desire.

Both options are most dis-empowering.

To instead let go. To say: “Life is not fair, it never was, it never will be. It is just the way it is, and I am okay with it.” Has incredible power within it. Because to be “realistic”, to understand the larger picture, you are saving yourself from much heartache, much hardship, much confusion and pain.

If you believe life is suppose to be fair towards you, and then you find that it is not, it may well seem like a punishment to you. And who would punish you? Well the judging God in the sky, of course!

There is, in the entire universe, NO JUDGEMENT. There is only the illusion of judgment, in the minds of humans. That’s it. You’re it! You hold it all. In your heads. That is the only place one can go, if one is curious and would like to study this phenomena.

Now do not judge yourselves for judging. :) Know that even though judgment is found in your minds, it comes from an emotional place deep within you. A desire for you to heal your soul-pattern. It is simply misunderstood by the mind.

It is not for the world around you to make things right for you. It is for you, through your choices and your focus and your emotions, to grow in your ability to channel light. The more your soul-pattern is healed, the more light you are able to channel.

When Christ said, “Healer, heal thyself.” He did not mean that a Healer must heal him or herself, he meant that a Healer needs to find ways to heal in order to heal others.

The universe is expanding. It is expanding through light. To resist this, is to bring agony into ones life. To allow it, is to bring joy into ones life.

There is no need for judgment in expansion of light. There is room for judgment in exclusion of light.

To judge something, is to polarize with it.

Hence, if one is striving to not polarize, one needs also to not judge.

I can feel the truth in that. However, I don’t know that I can make it to the breakfast table without having judged... the weather.

Hm... to be displeased is not the same as judging. You do not feel yourself having been treated unfairly by the Gods, do you?

No I don’t.

Some people might. Some people who are in need of rain, or some other weather pattern for their survival, may well feel judged because of what weather the day brings.

If you do not like something, simply acknowledge that you do not like it. I am not asking you to like everything. I am simply asking you not to take things personally, and to not seek revenge or decide that unkind actions are justified.

Things does not need to be “set right”, they are already perfect.

Relax, let it go. Know that you are light, and the more you are able to let go of, which hinders the light from shining, the more you will shine. And the more you shine, the more joy your life will contain.

To let go is not to lose, it is to win.

This concludes this reading. In our hearts you rest, as we send you love.

Thank you.

Text, drawings, and images Copyright © 2002-2017, All rights reserved. Last Updated: 2/10/2017