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Own Your Own Stuff

Conversation 4 with Octuvious

Dear Angels,

I would like to speak to the lightworker Octuvious. Are the room and I set up right for our communication?

It is indeed Maia dear. Nice to work with you when you are nicely rested.

I take it I should find time to chat with you in the morning, as suppose to the evening?

Sometime the morning is not quiet. Today is a time for us to gather.

I am very curious, what is the topic for today?

Own you own stuff.

Perhaps I should not have been quite so enthusiastic. :)

Now Maia, this is to assist you. I wish only to assist you. I am not telling you to own your own stuff because you should be “responsible”, or because “others might get upset if you don’t”. I am telling you to own your own stuff because when you don’t, you spread it around and make more of it. We’re talking, of course about the stuff which annoy you. By not owning it, you create blame and anger. You fill your vibrational field with a lot of gook. Trying to rid of it by giving it away, only dis-empowers you and places you in an emotion of victimization. It makes you miserable. So much pain and suffering is caused by this practice, for as you spread it around, you end up seeing it all around you, and so it is easy for you to assume that this is how the world is, which only perpetuates your feelings of victimization.

Owning it builds on our previous conversation of Not Polarizing, and of Not Demanding Fairness. Let it go. If you do not polarize with those around you, and you do not demand that life treats you fairly, (as construed by you), you will find it quite difficult to toss your own stuff onto others.

It is Your anger.
It is Your sorrow.
It is Your frustration.
It is Your detachment.

It is Your Perception. Your unique point of view. Things happen. They happen all the time. Events vibrate. How you interpret this vibration is uniquely yours. Why you interpret it the way you do, depends on the vibrational field in your soul-pattern, and this has been created through eons of times.

Please give us an example.

Very well. Let’s say we have two people. They are both girls who are being teased in school, for the very same reason. It’s about the way they look. One girl takes it very hard, and this experience comes to color her whole adolescence and part of her adult life. The other girl shrugs her shoulders and doesn’t let it bother her much. To her, they’re just being silly.

From one life perspective, it may seem that one girl is simply more sure of herself, and the other is more sensitive. However if we were to look at their soul-patterns, we would see that the girl who took it so hard, had a life where she was severely outcast from a community because they had killed her mother, accusing the mother of being a witch and now fearing revenge through the daughter. They treated her with hatred and made sure to keep her subordinate.

The event of being teased in school then, in this life, triggered the vibration in the energy field from this previous life, and it joined the experience. It joined in because of its desire to heal. Or to express it in another way, energies look for least resistance, and a scar is energy out of alignment.

By Owning the Teasing in this life then, the chance of healing the scar is greatly enhanced. By pointing finger, and blaming others for her feelings of inadequacy, she keeps it in her experience. It is not possible to gain a sense of self-worth through the feelings of victimization. It is not possible to bring Joy into ones life, by pointing fingers. You can Never point your finger well enough, to make things right. Right is what you create within you. Peace is what you make with yourself.

You make peace with you, and the world will make peace with you as well.

So how do you own your own stuff?

First know that it is ALL your own stuff. Every single bit of it.

Just made your day, didn’t I?

Yeah, thanks. :)

This is good news. It is ALL your own stuff. The beauty and the joy and the magic, that is your stuff too. And when you own these things, then this is what you spread around you. This is what you see more of in your experience.

When things go wrong and people treat you rotten, or disappoint you, or cheats you, or physically hurts you. Or the weather disappoints you... or physically hurts you. When you get angry, or sad, or irritated or depressed, scoop it up, and hold it. Then ask yourself what you wish to do with it. Some things are easy to toss. Some things require someone else’s help. Some things are gone in minutes, other things require years. It does not matter, by owning it, you are not spreading it around you, and because it is not what you continuously see in your experience, you will find it easier to heal it.

No life was Ever turned around until the owner claimed ownership.

Perhaps it may seem as if someone’s pain was rectified by the punishment of someone else. Visit them. Look into their eyes. Check out their skin color. Are they glowing? Are their lives joyous and peaceful? Think about it.

Octuvious, when there are discussions about reality creation, and talks about everyone being responsible for what happens to them, the question often comes up; What about the infant that dies? Or; What about the abused child?

Yes indeed, this does not seem right, if one looks solely to the one life before you. The infant that dies – who says it is better to live in physical reality, than to not live in physical reality? You do not remember not living in physical reality, if you did, you would not wonder why an infant might decide to go back. Besides there are many interactions between souls. The child may have come for a short visit, as a gift to the parents, assisting them in healing parts of their soul pattern, which was in need of attention.

As regards to the abused child – again, you see the beginning of a life as the beginning, and the end of a life, as the end. This is only natural. Perhaps the abuse is the end of a chapter of a story, which began in a previous life.

Again, I wish to remind you, that judgment only exists in the minds of humans. There is no judgment, and there is no punishment. There is only the desire of the soul to know its own completion.

This completes this conversation. In our hearts you rest, as we send you love.

Thank you.

Text, drawings, and images Copyright © 2002-2017, All rights reserved. Last Updated: 2/10/2017