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Maia's Services


Regression Therapy


Remote Healing


Disclaimer and Confidentiality

Maia Lynd

When at peace, our capacity for insights and inspiration is
heightened and our lives flow with better ease.

Maia Lynd photo


All sessions with me are solution-oriented, where the aptitude for change is enhanced by finding new, creative ways to overcome life's obstacles, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual.

To find out more, please call or write me at 203.543.5670 or

I believe that inner peace comes from knowing ourselves and trusting life.

Reiki, Hypnotherapy and Shamanic healings are wonderful tools for balancing and healing. They allow us to expand our understanding of ourselves and the world.

· Certified Hypnotherapist · Reiki Master/Teacher · Shamanic Practitioner · Energy Intuitive

Text, drawings, and images Copyright © 2002-2018, All rights reserved. Last Updated: 8/30/2018