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Maia's Services


Regression Therapy


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Soul Retrieval

Soul Retrievals have been performed in the Andes of Peru for thousands of years, and probably in many other cultures as well. The premise is that due to some trauma, a part of that person’s soul did not feel safe and chose to leave.. It is then thought that someone who is able to journey into other realms, on someone else’s behalf, may find this piece, heal it and bring it back.

Soul Retrievals may be considered for someone who has either suffered a one time trauma, such as an accident, or long time trauma, such as abuse. Someone who feels disconnected from a part of themselves, or who feels like a part of themselves is missing.

Because Soul Retrievals are part of a healing process and may require both processing and integration I offer them in sets of four sessions, (with a discounted rate). The sessions being scheduled no more than two weeks apart.

Every session is 90 minutes long, and includes time to share.

During the first session you will be resting, (fully clothed), while receiving a reiki/energy healing. It will serve to strengthen and balance your energy field, cleanse and balance your chakras, and make sure that you are energetically up to speed with the changes that may occur.

The second session will include the Soul Retrieval. For you, the experience will be very similar, relaxing and peaceful.

The following sessions will take form depending on your needs. This is something we would discuss as we go. Everything we do together will be discussed, explained, understood and agreed upon.

I have studied Soul Retrievals with Jose Louise Herrera, a native of Peru with close connections to the Q’ero Shamans, and he has taught me the beauty and grace with which profound healing may take place.

There is, in my experience, a state of wellness that is our natural state, and that no matter what happens to us, it is always there for us to discover.

Text, drawings, and images Copyright © 2002-2017, All rights reserved. Last Updated: 2/10/2017